Welcome to SchoolPlus Virtual Classrooms!

SchoolPlus Virtual classes at your home
School-Plus supplements the basic school curriculum and enhances students' performance by giving them the confidence and desire to explore academics beyond the classroom. Your child will learn from first-class teachers with classmates in a small virtual class. Looking for a challenge? Help? School-plus virtual classes provide both.
What are virtual classes? They are online classes in a synchronous e-learning environment that allows students to interact with their teacher and with each other in real-time as if they were physically in an onsite classroom together. Students engage in discussions with their teachers and classmates, and they write, type, and draw on a virtual whiteboard.
SchoolPlus offers a variety of subjects for a well-rounded education: Enrichment English, Visual Art, Chess, Ancient History, Geography, Russian language (see schedule).
SchoolPlus - A unique approach to online math enrichment
The curriculum for all math classes fully covers the state curriculum and focuses on conceptual understanding and problem-solving.
All math classes are taught by our first-rate experts-teachers.
Each Math class is conducted twice a week using a hybrid "math class+homework hour" model: in addition to the once/week math class, there is also another one lesson/week -a "Homework Hour” under teacher supervision. The model ensures that students get the practice they need to progress and removes homework-related stress for students, parents, and teachers!
Read more about our hybrid model here: "Math class + homework hour model"
Read more about our approach to math education here: "What do we mean by Enrichment Math Program?"
We are committed to offering the best educational experience for your child. In order to ensure that your child is enrolled in a class that is challenging but not overwhelming, we request that you try a free lesson. This will give the student and teacher the opportunity to interact together in a classroom environment. Based on the teacher's evaluation, we will recommend the appropriate class for your child.
Please click on the link below to sign up for a free lesson and you will be redirected to the SchoolPlus registration form.
Please fill in one form for each child and include the details on the class or classes you are interested in. We will contact you to set up your free lesson.
Each Math class will be conducted twice a week using a hybrid model.
Here is what it means to you:
Your child’s math class will be conducted by a head math teacher
In addition to this class, there will also be a virtual "Homework Hour" on a weekday afternoon/evening, which will be led by a specially designated teacher's assistant.
The "homework hour" is a part of the math program as much as the actual lesson and all students who enroll in our math classes will be expected to attend both the lesson and the homework hour.
What are the advantages of the hybrid model?
Most important: all students will come prepared to class! This will greatly improve both the quality and quantity of their learning.
"Homework hour" will reduce homework-related stress for everyone: students, parents and teachers.
During homework-hour students will work on their homework assignments independently, and will have access to a teacher's assistant, who will help them if they get ‘stuck’, and review the most difficult problems at the end of the hour.
We believe that this model will be a win-win-win – it will boost students' confidence and facilitate their retention of material; allow the teachers to give more effective lessons; and reduce stress on the families.
School-Plus Team
Новый класс "Попробуем Русский" в SchoolPlus для начинающих 7/8 лет.
Что необычного в этом классе?
Это класс для детей, которые не говорят по- русски и не слышат дома русскую речь. Но в семье есть русскоговорящие родные, которые могут помочь в выполнении домашних заданий.
Мы используем новые оригинальные подходы к обучению.
Давайте попробуем вместе!
Начало занятий - 10 мая.
Расписание уроков: вторник и пятница,
6: 00 - 6: 45 РМ.
Для пробного урока запишитесь здесь: https://www.schoolplus-virtualclasses.com/application
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